
Tuesday 29 July 2014

Time for.....National Afternoon Tea Week

Hello there,

Welcome back to another afternoon tea post from Tea With Me and Friends. This time we are celebrating the launch of National Afternoon Tea Week with Afternoon Running between 11th - 17th August, national afternoon tea week sees over 50 venues throughout the UK offering 25% of their afternoon tea when booked via the Afternoon website.

To celebrate I was invited, with a group of others, to indulge in a spot of afternoon tea on the BB Bakery bus - Rodney.....

Celebrating afternoon tea week on the BB Bakery Bus

Now, I have been eyeing up the BB Bakery Bus since it launched earlier this year, and so I eagerly accepted the kind invitation from the guys at Afternoon I was also very pleased to meet the lovely Kat from Lady Loves Cakes, who found us brilliant seats on the top desk of the bus!

An afternoon tea feast lay ahead of us on the BB Bakery Bus

I had wondered how tea and cakes were going to be served as Rodney, the fabulous routemaster bus toured the sights of London, but as you'll see the china was limited and all cutlery was in fact plastic (but very pretty plastic!). As well as tea that was served in pretty flasks, we were also given freshly squeezed orange juice and water (all served in water).

Tea and Macaroons
BB Bakery Bus

I am going to be visiting the BB Bakery Bus later this year and so will leave a full review until then, but I thought I would tickle your taste buds by sharing with you some of the lovely food that we enjoyed....

The whole feast -
sweets & savouries on the BB Bakery Bus afternoon tea

A close up of the sweets on the BB Bakery Bus

The lovely savouries on the BB Bakery Bus

The hospitality to extended to us all while we were on the bus the was wonderful and I would like to thank Afternoon and the BB Bakery Bus for their kind invitation. I look forward to coming back later this year for another tour on Rodney!

For more information about afternoon tea week and to see which venues are offering the fab 25% of their afternoon teas between 11th - 18th August, take a peek at the Afternoon website.

If you enjoy afternoon tea during afternoon tea week don't forget to tell us about it!

Thanks for popping by today,


  1. Yay! Your pictures are fantastic. You were the perfect bus ride date! Kat ;) xxxxxx

  2. This looks wonderful eating lovely pastries whilst seeing the sites of london perfect Lucy x

  3. Looks like so much fun! I will have to make my reservation when I go to London next month. Thanks for creating a site like this for "tea enthusiasts", it's very nice!


Thank you for visiting our blog, we hope you have enjoyed our afternoon tea adventures as much as we have. If you would like to leave a comment we would love to hear from you. Rachel and Lorna