
Saturday 31 May 2014

June is Dietary Requirment Month!

Hello there,

Welcome back to another afternoon tea post from Tea With Me and Friends.

The more people we meet on social media and the more we learn about afternoon tea and its current popularity in the UK, the more we have realised that there are many different dietary requirements that need to be catered for by hotels and tearooms providing afternoon tea.

Gluten free afternoon tea treats
St James Hotel (photo from website)

Whether it be gluten free, dairy free, nut free, vegetarian or lactose free (to name a few) in June we will be exploring the various different afternoon teas that are on offer that cater for a variety of different dietary requirements. As you may be aware Lorna and I have no real dietary requirements ourselves and therefore we will be joined by lots of our friends who have sampled the various teas on offer.

We want to hear about the good, the bad and the ugly....does an afternoon tea that caters for specific dietary requirements taste as good as a standard tea? What makes it different? What do the pastry chefs need to consider?

If you have a dietary requirement and have enjoyed a specially designed afternoon tea please get in touch, we'd love you hear about your afternoon tea adventures!

Thank you for popping by today,
Rachel and Lorna

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Thank you for visiting our blog, we hope you have enjoyed our afternoon tea adventures as much as we have. If you would like to leave a comment we would love to hear from you. Rachel and Lorna